A Message in the Mirror


When a loved one dies, the heartbreak of the loss seems unbearable at times and can take its toll on each member of the family, especially on the spouse. Often times the loved one left behind will want to share an experience they had with their deceased loved one, just to see if it was true. The message was uncommon, but so fitting for the person that passed. As they begin to share their story, I could feel their excitement and a feeling of relief that I would be interested and could confirm their experience was real.

Several weeks ago I was visiting with a lady that lost her husband about 18 months ago and she swears she still feels him around.  In fact she said, last week she was taking a hot shower and after getting out of the shower glanced at the mirror to see “I [heart] you” and knew instantly that her husband had written that note for her on the mirror.

In my book ‘Life Eternal, Love Immortal’, I give examples of people who experience the amazing messages that come through to their loved ones who have passed on. While I am usually reporting what I see and hear to those, it is always comforting to me, and extra special to them, to realize that their loved ones are present, and care enough to offer affirmations of love and connectedness, directly, through an intimate message.

Many of us have experiences that we think are strange, or mere synchronicities, because they cannot be explained by logic.  As a spiritual psychic medium, I can confidently tell you that these experiences are as real as everything else we experience that we know to be true. To acknowledge and appreciate these messages from our beloved family members and close friends who have passed, gives us the knowing, and confidence that even though life is fleeting, it is eternal.  To know that spiritual phenomena exists reinforces the belief that there is a higher source of love, that we are all connected and interconnected, and that everything we do matters. When we love, we touch another’s soul that never dies. Our love lives on forever and touches people in ways we don’t always see at the time.

From what I have seen and experienced, I would say that every loving gesture, every hand extended, every smile and affirmative nod sends ripples through the universe that lives on and touches people in ways that you cannot imagine. Love large, love frequently, even love those deemed unlovable, and your life will be richer than you could ever imagine.

Always Love, Sharon

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